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Information for authors

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Appendix No. 2
Approved by Order
Real Estate Cadastre LLC
d.d. 10.02.2009 No. 2 / 1

Instuctions for submission of authors’ manuscripts for publication
in Real Estate Cadastre Magazine  

The main objectives of the magazine are to inform readers about the public policy of land and property relations, about the accepted legislative acts in the sphere of land-use and state real estate cadastre (GKN), to provide information on self-regulatory organizations and of Partnership activities. The magazine also publishes general-theoretical, methodic, discussion articles on the scientific and practical achievements in Russia and abroad in the land management, spatial data infrastructure, in the sphere of maintenance of the state cadastre of real estate properties, state cadastral valuation of lands, inventory and technical accounting of capital construction objects, and other actual problems of land-property relations. 
Real Estate Cadastre Magazine Editorial Board requests authors to familiarize themselves with the underwritten Instructions prior sending the articles for publishing. These Instructions have been developed in accordance with the Information Report of the Supreme Personnel Review Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dd. 14.10.2008 No.45.1-132.

1. The material proposed for publication in the magazine must meet the subject of the edition, be not published previously in other mass media, have a scientific and (or) practically significant approach.

2. Material submitted for publication must contain:
• name of the selected column;
• title;
Summary : The full name of the author (co-authors), title and academic degree (if any), awards and academic prizes, professional experience, the main range of scientific interests, the number of publications for each of the authors, the name of the organization.

• Separately, at the end of the article, date, signature, city code, contact telephone number of the author (co-authors) and his email address are indicated;
• a brief summary to the article (5-6 sentences; given in the beginning of the article before the main text), and keywords .
To the attention of the authors of scientific articles! Articles annotation, keywords, information about authors and bibliographic listings following the articles must be provided in English and Russian (as required by HAC from 14.10.2008 No. 45.1-132).

3. While arranging the manuscript text one should be guided by the following requirements:
• numbering of pages and text attachments should be cross-cutting;
• Page setup: top margin - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 2,5 cm, right - 2 cm;
• line spacing -1,5;
• Font Times new Roman, the font size of the main text - 12, footnote - 10
• the volume of the article (together with illustrative material) must not exceed 10 pages;

4. The text of the article can contain pictures, tables, formulas. All pictures attached to the article must be signed (who / what, where and what is the subject of these pictures):
tables, figures, pictures, formulas are placed inside the text and have sequential numbering on the article (not by sections) and their own headers. Moreover, all the illustrations are provided as separate files in TIFF or BMP (best quality) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. All the tables, figures and formulas in the text must have references by all means.
• Photo of the author, published before the article, should be a portrait with a resolution of 300 dpi, TIFF or JPEG format (*. TIF, *. JPG).
in formulas letters of Greek and Latin alphabet should be applied as characters. Marks and numeric coefficients must be deciphered in the text, or immediately after the formula.
bibliographical references in the bibliography must be arranged in the order as mentioned in the text. On the last page you must indicate the «List of references» containing a numbered list of sources used while writing the article and executed in accordance with the GOST P 7.0.5-2008 standards system on information, libraring and publishing trade called « Bibliographical references » General requirements and rules of drawing up.

5. The author is responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotations, economic and statistical data and other information contained in the article, as well as for the fact that the material does not contain the data subject to the general publication.

6. All publications in the magazine including the publication of graduate students’ manuscripts are carried out free of charge.

7. Editors reserves the right to:
• Provide editorial and proofreading correction of manuscripts accepted for publication with the following approval of the introduced corrections with the author;
• reduce the article with the volume exceeding the established Rules, or locate the article in different magazine issues with the prior agreement with the author;
• place the published manuscripts online, in the Russian scientific citation index (RINTS), as well as in other information databases, etc.

8. Material for publication must be submitted electronically in electronic format or by electronic mail (e-mail: info@roscadasre.ru)